MARIIA NEMYROVSKA, responsible for the website, hereinafter, the RESPONSIBLE, makes this document available to users, with which it is intended to comply with the obligations laid down in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE), BOE N º 166, así como informar a todos los usuarios del sitio web respecto a quales son las condiciones de uso.
Toda persona que acceda este sitio web assumes the role of user, comprometiendoendo a la observancia y complemento riguroso de las dispositions aquí puestas, así como a cualquier otra dispositiona legal que fuera applicación.
MARIIA NEMYROVSKA reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without the obligation to notify users of such obligations, provided that publication on the MARIIA NEMYROVSKA website is sufficient.
Domain name: thelexico.com
Nombre comercial: Lexico
e-mail: info@thelexico.com
The website, including a title enunciativo but not limiting its programming, edition, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the RESPONSIBLE or, if it is the case, has a license or authorization expressa por parte de los autores. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, in any case, prior written authorization by the RESPONSIBLE is required. Any use not previously authorized is considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.
The designs, logos, text and/or graphics foreign to the RESPONSIBLE and that may appear on the web site belong to their respective owners, and they are responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. The RESPONSIBLE expressly authorizes third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, and in any case redirect to the main website.
The RESPONSIBLE recognizes in favor of its holders the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property, not implying its only mention or appearance on the website the existence of rights or responsibility on the same, as well as endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of the same.
To realize any kind of observation regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as on any of the contents of the website, you can do so via email at info@thelexico.com
The RESPONSIBLE is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside of it.
This page and its components are offered solely for information purposes. The owner of this page is not responsible for the accuracy, utility or availability of any information that is transmitted or made available through this website; will not be responsible for any error or omission in this information.
Los usuarios de esta página que den sus personales datos, con la aceptación del consentinformado informado renuncia cualquier indemnización que por el uso legal de esos datos les pudiero correspond, no pudiendo ejercer ninguna legal reclamation por ello. De querer ostentarla, no deben ceder sus datos en este sitio web.
Use of Cookies
This website can use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer that accesses the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the site. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary in nature, with the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient, and disappear at the end of the user's session. In any case, these cookies do not provide the same personal data and will not be used to retrieve them.
Through the use of cookies, it is also possible for the server where the website is located to recognize the browser used by the user in order to make navigation easier, allowing, for example, the access of users who have previously registered a las áreas, servicios, promociones o concursos reservados exclusivo a ellos sin tener que registrarse en cada visita. También se pueden utilizador para medir la audiencia, traffic parameters, controlar el progresso y número de entradas, etc, siendo en estos casos cookies expendable technically pero beneficias para el usuario. This website will not install cookies without the prior consent of the user.
This website uses analytical cookies (_ga or _utm) owned by Google Analytics, persistent for 2 years, to enable the control function of unique visits with the aim of facilitating your navigation. A todo usuario que visita la web se le informa del uso de estas cookies via a floating banner, considerado que si continua navegando está acuerdo con su uso. In the case of acceptance of its use, the banner will disappear, although at any time you can revoke consent and obtain more information by consulting our Cookie Policy.
The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be alerted to the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on his computer. Please consult the instructions of your browser to expand this information.
Links policy
From the website, it is possible to redirect to the contents of third-party websites. Given that the RESPONSIBLE does not always control the content introduced by third parties on their respective websites, it does not assume any type of responsibility regarding that content. In any case, it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morals or public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of redirection to said website, making the content known to the competent authorities in question
The RESPONSIBLE is not responsible for the information and content stored, in particular but not limited, in forums, chats, generators of blogs, comments, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to publish content independently on the web page del RESPONSIBLE. Sin embargo, and in compliance with articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, it is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, collaborating actively in the withdrawal or, in its case, the blocking of all aquellos contenidos que puedan afectar o contravenir national or international legislation, the rights of third parties, morals and public order. If the user considers that there is some content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please immediately notify the website administrator.
This website has been revised and tested to function properly. In principle, correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Sin embargo, the RESPONSIBLE does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or force majeure events, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances that make access to the web page impossible.
IP addresses
The web servers will automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is registered in a properly registered server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of data with the aim of obtaining only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web servers, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.
We can cancel access to the page without warning, which could result in the confiscation and destruction of all information associated with your account. Todas las dispositivos de este acuerdo que, por su naturaleza, deban survivir a la cancellation suvivirán a ella, including without limitation, las dispositivos de propiedad, renuncias de garantía, indemnisación y limitaciones de responsabilidad.
We reserve the right to modify these conditions when considered appropriate; likewise, el uso permanente de la página will mean your acceptance of any adjustment to the terms. If there are any changes in our privacy policy, we will announce them on our main page and on other important pages of our site that changes have been made. If there is any change in our page regarding the way we use the personal identification information of our clients, we will send a notification by electronic mail or postal mail to those who are affected by the change. Any change in our privacy policy will be published on our page 30 days before such changes occur. Por lo tanto, se te recomienda volver a leer esta declaration de manera regular.
For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to the present website or the activities developed on it, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent for the resolution of all disputes derived from relacionados con su uso los Juzgados y Tribunales más cercanos a la ciudad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (España).